Wednesday, July 31, 2013

0 month challenge.

I am addicted to social media.

There, I said it. I admitted it... which is the first step right? I find myself so addicted, I check my phone ALL day long. It's rediculous. Living in Hawaii I check it seriously like every hour. I feel like I'm so disconnected to my family and friends without checking in on whats going on everyday. I love the fact that technology doesn't make me feel so lonely. I can just click a button and I know everything in everyones agenda for the day.

I have also found some pretty awesome people through instagram. They inspire me, and make me want to do more with my life. I LOVE finding those kind of people. I search for those kind of people.

I love that my whole family has an instagram so we can all laugh at each other throughout the day on our daily life experiences. I love that insta has pictures! AND video now. My favorite hobbys in life.

But (and that's a big BUT) I dislike social media as much as I love it. I think of my life about 5 years ago, and I don't even know what I did without it. It's crazy how fast technology changes. I hate the fact that I feel like I'm comparing my life with others. (which lets face it, everybody does this at least once) I feel sometimes like I had a boring day compared to someone else, or that my relationship isn't as good as it should be because someone else has a better relationship. OR that I feel like I'm wasting my day on my phone and constantly thinking about things I can post.

I'm addicted. And I think our world is becoming addicted as well. So, I sat down and was talking to Colten about what I was thinking about all this. Men are so funny, because every time you just are "talking" about something, they always want to "fix" it. I love this about Colten, but sometimes I get myself into trouble.

Me: "Babe, sometimes when I check my phone I feel depressed after."

Colten:"why? It's not suppose to make you feel bad."

Me: "I KNOW! It's so dumb, I don't even know why I think like that. I waste so much time looking at other peoples lives."

Colten: "You know what you should do babe, you should just not get on it. You're always on your phone. In fact... I challenge you to NOT get on instagram or facebook for a month."

Me: "a month... don't you  think that's a little extreme?"

Colten: "'re addicted to them. And now it's affecting your attitude so you need to break that habit and it will take a month to do so."

Me: "I'm not addicted! I just like to know whats going on, because we are so far away from everyone."

Colten: "If someone really wants to get ahold of you, they will call you or text you. You don't need to have social media to figure out whats going on in your family's lives."

Me: "Ya, you're right..they'll call me!"

I  picked up my phone and deleted the apps right away.

Okay, this was a week ago. And seriously, it's been so hard! I didn't think this challenge would be this difficult. I feel so out of the loop. But, at the same time, I feel free! Which I wasn't expecting.

My first few days I would pick up my phone to click on the app, but they weren't there. So I would think of something else to do with my time. And let me tell ya, I've been pretty creative finding things to do. Colten has even put down his phone. He still checks on things for me. He'll show me some important family pictures, and if something happens he'll inform me, so that helps. Usually I'm the one informing him on all the little details. He missed one BIG thing that happened though. Like, my aunties house burning down!

But guess what? My mom called me! She told me hours after. But the way she found out... social media. So with social media (facebook) I would of known before her, but that's okay. She called and let me know everyone was okay, and I didn't even worry about it until after everything went down.

I had one friend text me from Utah. Other than her, I have relied on my friends here to socialize with. It has been hard, but so awesome! I have done so much more with my time. I have had more fun with Colten. I have gone out to explore and take pictures.

I'll keep you posted on this little challenge. I always say this, but it applies so well with my life: You never know what you miss, until you don't have it anymore. I'm going to make the most out of this month. For more reasons than just being without my phone to document everything. I have one month from tomorrow until we leave the island. I'm going out strong!

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