Thursday, March 22, 2012

0 1 year folks

It is amazing how fast things change around here!

We have some updating to do.. so I will start by saying, I QUIT my job. whew. I cannot even explain how relieved I feel. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful for having a job that I enjoyed, and one where I only worked half the week and still made good money. But, I have to admit, it was so hard working for Koreans. oh boy. They work constantly, and it was constantly a mad house of a dental office. I just couldn't take the unorganizedness...(Yeah that's not a word, but you get it). I put in my two weeks...and these two weeks are the hardest two weeks. Because I know I am soo close to get out of there. I seriously go home with a headache everyday. Then try to go on a two hour bus ride with a headache. I guess the good thing about getting home late with a headache, is it's okay to go straight to bed.

I get a big break this weekend because I am heading out to Phoenix Arizona for one of Colten's golf tournaments. I will get to see my in-laws again too! I am so excited to see them again, and to have a weekend on the mainland! We have been waiting for the weekend for quite some time now.

Another thing... we are MOVING again, to Lousiana! We just decided like a week ago. And we are up and getting things set and stone. Our friends here go there to sale security systems, and Colten and I got thinking about it, and it could potentiall make some good money over the summer going with them to sale, so we are giving a shot. We will be returing to Hawaii in Septemeber, we just need to find someone to rent our apartment while we are away. We have to leave in exactly a month, and so it's been kinda crazy for me to not get stressed about how much we need to do before then. Colten will be done with the semester in a few weeks, so school wont be an issue. But it will be for me!!

yep thats right. I am going back to school. I got into BYU Hawaii, and I will be taking online classes over the summer. I can't believe I actually want to go back to school, but I feel good about the school here.  So everything seems to be coming up so fast!

Good news is, now that I quit my job, I will have a month to figure all this out, and to chill on the beaches while doing it. I feel so FREE again!

A good friend in our ward took some pictures for our 1 year anniversary! I can't believe its been a year already. We have had so many changes in this one year. I have grown so much, and I think Colten has too. I keep saying this, but it amazes me how marriage can change a person. Love can change a person. And I think once you get married (at least for me) you just start to finally realize what you want in life, and you have your partner to help you figure how to get it. I am grateful to have Colten here for me.

Here is a sneak peek. It got dark sooner than we thought, but I think they turned out cute.

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