Friday, October 28, 2011

2 Everything is better when mom is around!

Okay, I've been super busy lately! It sounds so funny, but I have never been so happy to be busy!

ALOT has happend since my last blog post.

First things first... MOM came to town. whoot whoot. And I told her she is never allowed to come again. I'm mean huh? I had the best week with her, and then for her to leave me was just too much for me to handle. She couldn't of came at a better time though.

Colten and I had been struggling with a lot of things. We have had a really hard time adjusting here, and feeling comfortable. With all the stress we have both been under, it has made it hard for us to keep our relationship from not suffering. I will be the first to say I am not perfect, and either is our relationship/marriage.  And I am not here to pretend like it is. Yet, I like to keep things positive, and have a positive outward appearance because, well, who wants to hear my sappy sad complains and cries right? And things usually get better with time, so I don't really poor my heart to everyone looking for help.

But when it comes to my moms and I relationship and friendship, I know I can spill my heart with her and she won't judge or think less of me. She only looks for what she feels will make things better for the long term of things. And she's the only one that really truly knows the real me. I mean she's only known me for 21 years. So for her to come when I felt like my whole world was crumbling down, really made me feel like things were only going to get better.

Colten has been super busy with golf and school. Which meant that I had a lot of mother/daughter time all to myself. We had many great talks and we hit up a lot of places. Mom came over on monday night. They lost her carry on bag! For realls.. Honolulu Airport is the most ridiculous airport out there! How do you loose a carry on bag?! Anyways, she got it back so that made things better. I had to work tuesday and wednesday which was the pitts. I felt bad leaving her all alone while I worked all day long.

Thursday, she told me I had to venture out and get out of my comfort zone. (she got right down to business in trying to help me cheer up and get out of my misery). So we got up, went running, and then headed over to Noah and Tiffany's house. They only live a couple blocks from us, and they are such a fun family to hang out with. Their kids are so cute, they are to die for! Cute lil hawaiians.

We also got to meet one of Eriks companions from his mission. It was so good to meet him. They have been really good friends even to this day, and it was comforting to know I could go with him whenever I called him up and it would be like going to hang out with Erik. They are so much alike!

My mom also decided to walk around campus while I was at work and sign me up for all the different classes that she thought I would enjoy. One's that you don't have to be a student to be in. So I am now going to a photoshop class and hitting up some yoga. They are so much fun! Glad she found them for me.

The rest of the weekend we just got to go to sharks cove and Matsumotos shaved ice. We ran into John and Hilary on the way to sharks cove. After that we went with Noah and Tiffany to get some shaved ice and it was a blast.
We stopped at an antique store down the road, and it started to pour rain.
I seriously love the rain here, it is so refreshing, and it definitely just attacks you with no warnings.

We laughed at this pictures forever because of her "rainy bangs"

These pictures are so funny. 
Mom kept trying to take a picture with her new camera, and for some reason it just kept going off every time she would turn it toward or faces.
she hasn't quite figured it out yet.

We laughed so hard, our faces look retarded.
But you can't get better candid moment than that right?


We got Hilary in the water! 

It was so fun to see all the fishes. We kinda got freaked out with the spiky one.
They were all over once we realized they were there. 
We all paniked and got out after we saw around 30 on a rock right underneath us.

I am sad I didn't take more pictures with my mom here. It was her first time to Hawaii, and I felt so bad that we couldn't of made it a better trip for her. But she knows we are just poor college students, and she just wanted to try and make things a little better. Which she totally did! I did have a HUGE mental breakdown when she left. 
She left Colten and I each a note, and we have been thoughtful of her words that she left us.


  1. I'm so happy she was able to come out!! My mom came out 4 months after we moved here and I think saying goodbye was harder than the first time! :( I feel your pain girl! Remember, I am here!! I am going through the same thing you are... I promise, it will get better!! I'm going to email you! :)

  2. Oh my goodness you and your mom are hilarious I looove the pictures. You guys are awesome it looks like you are having fun!
