Saturday, September 10, 2011

3 Hawaii lovin

I haven't had time to really set up our apartment to it's fullest yet. We are settled in though finally and it has been so great! I still feel like  I am in a dream at times. We live in Hawaii?!! what?! I never even dreamed this day would come. So far, it's been exactly what Colten and I predicted. It reminds me a lot of Mexico. There are poor areas, and a few rich areas. I get frustrated at times, because I don't know any of the city names, and therefore I can't find a job that's close. The nearest walmart is an hour away. seriously THE most frustrating thing at this point. Everything else is so overpriced and walmart is the cheapest place. Plus it has a Sams club right above it, and it has everything I  am needing/wanting.

Ashley and I went to walmart the other day, we needed to get food and things to settle in. It took us all day long. Good thing our hubbys were playing golf, cause they would of hated us. We stuffed this rental car we got to the max! And...$500.00 later, we still don't have everything we need. I get stressed easily because I feel like I need a job already. Colten keeps telling me to just relax and enjoy my time  not having one. Which I really should... but its so hard for me to do that! I am thinking of working for the PCC which is right next door to us. I could easily ride my bike over there, get to know the area and culture, and only work a couple hours a day. That seems reasonable right?! The only problem is, I don't know anything about the culture, so I would have to start from scratch over there. Where as with dental assisting, I have some experience, I've had people already offer me a jobs (just on other islands) so I know I am needed and wanted, I just need to find a good location. THAT is the hard part. because the main city, with all the dental offices, are an hour away. plus with traffic. yuck.

I'll keep praying for an answer ha.

Our apartment is so much fun! We love it. Pictures are to come. I've been doing certain projects, and they have been taking me a little longer than I thought.  Geckos love our bathroom. We always hear them falling from our ceiling into our bath tub, and see their poop everywhere. I'm always cleaning here. mostly because you see poop and gross things from bugs, and also because I heard there is a mouse problem with our neighbors, and I am NOT going to see a mouse. I would freak out. So I am cracking down on Colten and I, and we are not leaving any crumbs or food laying around. Ants are everywhere. I just let them be now. There are too many of them. I set up some traps, but they still get into everything. We store all of our food in the fridge now. even our cereal. Just until I get some good Rubbermaid containers.

Laundry..well it's 75 cents a load. I have never been so grateful for our free services at home! I dislike laundromats. But, it is nice to air dry your clothes here. It makes them smell so much better in my opinion. Yesterday I went to clean some clothes. I put some whites in the dryer and I came back a few minutes later to check on them, and for some reason it doubled the time on the timer. I was so confused? I soon just  thought I better take advantage and put another load in the washer so it could have a free dryer time. I ran so fast back to our apartment, grabbed a new load, threw it in the washer, and sat and waited for the right time to throw them in the dryer. Colten just laughed at me... he was like.. it's 75 cents. but hey, I need to save as many quarters as we can!

I will have to be honest and say, I am so jealous of Colten going to school for BYU Hawaii. I never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth, but it happened yesterday. I went to orientation with him, and it was so much fun. I was talking to everyone, getting to know all the activities coming up, and then I remembered I wasn't the student. Everyone is so shocked that we live in the "TVA" apartments. They keep telling us how lucky we are for getting them. It's nice to have an athlete for a husband, you get all kinds of perks. They usually take years to get into. Which tells me there is another sign of how God is on our side in coming here. I keep telling Colten how lucky he is. He thinks I am crazy of course. In a few weeks I probably won't be so jealous.. but I am right now!

His golf clubs have been coming, slowly, but surely. I have never seen such a big grin on his face (besides our wedding day) than when he saw his first box of clubs. He's like a boy on Christmas morning! I'm just happy he is happy. Cause when they lost his whole life in that big bag at the airport, I felt sorry for the person that stole them. Good thing he didn't see them at that time. It's too bad people have to be dishonest in this world. He had so many memories in his golf bag. He keeps remembering things that he had in there, and then gets sad that some things just aren't replaceable.

We've been to the beach just a COUPLE of times. We need to go a lot more, but we've been so busy adjusting!

My mom is growing one of these trees back home.
I hope it makes it through the rough winter!

gotta stop and get our fruit

sunset beach

Scott and Ashely went snorkeling and saw some turtles

Trying to get things settled in

self explanatory.
He won't let them out of his sight.

We absolutely love it here. Some things to adjust to, but we are figuring things out. I keep pinching myself thinking how did I get so lucky?!


  1. Miss you guys! Glad you are getting settled! LOve the pictures! Keep posting so we can show the kids! :) that picture of Colten withj the club in his mouth seriously needs to be blown up, framed, and hung on my moms wall! Love it!!!

  2. I know what I want for Christmas!! The blown-up pic of Colten with club in mouth haha :) for my wall, it is so him!!! I love reading your blog and miss you even more but so excited for you to have this experience, YEAH! Enjoy every min of it because before you know it you'll be moving back, Time flys when you are having fun!!! Love you TONS!!!! Mama Lamb

  3. Oh my goodness you guys look like your having fun! Scott and Ash will be so fun to hang out with! Love you guys!
