Monday, April 23, 2012

0 Pondering

I figure I should write my thoughts down before I move on to some other thoughts.

I just got home from an awesome dinner with some people in my ward, and some Elder Missionaries. It was so much fun! The company was so funny, and the food was amazing. I feel like I haven't laughed that hard for a long time. There was this cute little missionary "grandma" who was so funny! She came to give me a hug to introduce herself after her sweet husband came up to give me a hug and introduced herself as the LOUD one. She was hilarious, I still smile just thinking of her.

She inspired me. To just be myself. I know that sounds so silly saying that as an adult, but it is so easy to get caught up in this world and feel like you're not good enough, or not talented enough, or not happy enough and you just seem to loose who you really are. But visiting with this missionary today, and everyone who was around me, I just had an overwhelming feeling of comfort and happiness.

That is why I am so blessed to have the gospel in my life. I honestly find such happiness and inspiration from the people I meet, the words that are spoken through experience and words from the Book of Mormon.

Today in church I relearned something. I say relearn because it is something I have been taught my whole life, but just something that has really stuck out to me like I just learned it. I am here for a purpose, and I am only here to grow. Being here at this time just helps me progress to the next part of my life when I die.

Finding that purpose, well that could take some time. But I am grateful that I have the knowledge of the gospel, it truly helps me get things into perspective in this crazy world.

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