Friday, October 7, 2011

3 Hanging Loose

This is our front yard pretty much. 
I go to the beach almost every day.

It has been a little overcast weather lately. It's still 85 degrees outside, and my body is already adjusted to the humidity. How do I know? Well, because I get cold already. My body gets cold so easily. I am always in a blacket or with slippers on because I am always so cold. I thought I wouldn't have this problem once I got here because it's such awesome weather. But I adjusted quickly..and now I am always cold. Even in 85 degree weather.

I shouldn't complain. It's snowing in utah. This made me feel a lot better about being where I am. I'll stay right here for the next few months. (ha ha)

Little update on Colten. He is at a golf tournament right now. It's his first Tri Match tourney being here. Its just a small one, where he travels on the other side of the island and competes with the other colleges around here. He left at 10:00 this morning. We had to share a laugh together because we think the golf school uniforms are kinda ugly. They are sponsored by Oakley. Sometimes I wonder who is picking out the clothes! For instance, today, he wore a zip down black and white shirt. not bad right? here comes the weird part, the zip on the shirt went clear down to his stomach? Really? so if he didn't wear a shirt underneath you would just see some flashy white skin. I had to laugh. Then to go with those he had to wear some checkered shorts that were grey and black. It looked weird together. Then he only had a red and yellow BYU Hawaii golf hat to go along with the uniform. That stuck out like a sore thumb! I told him to ditch the hat. It looked redic.

Anyways, his golf game has been struggling out here. The wind is a lot stronger and more consistant here. He hasn't really had to deal with that back home, so adjusting here has been hard on him. Plus at the beginning he lost his clubs (remember that?) I think that threw him out mentally as well. He has had a lot to deal with this past month. (yes! we have survived a month!) He has homework every single second of the day. Sometimes I feel like it's because of his lack of timing. He totally needs to balance his timing better, but that comes with practice. On top of not liking homework, most of his professors are telling him that its a tough economy out there in todays world. And MOST people with degrees don't get the money they thought they would be getting because of it. WELL THANK YOU for the encouragement! Sure glad we are paying you to tell me these things. It's discouraging to tell a student that. Bad idea. So now Colten feels like schools worthless. I keep telling him it will pay off. (it will pay off right?!)

We went out to "Surfin Tacos" last night. We had gone there previously and it was so much fun. They have a live guitar singer performing while you eat, and this guy is a total crack up. He totally made me feel like I wanted to get up and jam with him on my guitar. I loved it so much we went a second time. We talked about all of the things we have learned so far being here. And once again we came to a conclusion that we cannot deny the help of the Lord in sending us here. There has just been too many blessing for us to deny it. We now have a new outlook and attitude change.

I went to the temple today, and it was so amazing. I left my recommend at home so mama lamb was kind enough to find it and send it my way. So this was my first time attending the Laie Temple and it was my best experience so far. The workers were so great. I felt the spirit so strongly..and get this.. I didn't even cry!! I was so proud of myself. I'm getting stronger. As I came outside, I felt even more uplifted seeing the beautiful flowers and water fountains and palm trees swaying through the warm wind. I had to stand there and take a moment to let it sink in. Hawaii has so much beauty. ( I just wished I had my camera to capture that moment.)

Colten is such a great husband.
Every morning at 5:50 I wake up.
Get ready for work.
Colten wakes up.
Walks me to the bus stop, then waits with me to get on at 6:30.
It's one of my favorite...scratch that, it is my favorite part of the day.

He also waits for me at the bus stop when I get home at 7:30 at night. It sounds like a little task, but it means so much to me. A little story about why. The other day I was riding home on the bus after a long day at work. I'm usually a pretty open about having a conversation and being a friendly person, but after work and having a two hour bus ride, I usually don't want to talk to anyone and just relax. So far it's been impossible to do so. 

I always have to have some one sit by me on the bus, since I don't have someone with me. I usually just put in my ipod and get out my hoodie jacket and pretend like I am sleeping. You would think that would give people a big enough hint to not talk to me when you sit by me right?! Not according to the local men around here.

 The other night this particular guy sat down by me and it was a little odd to me because usually nobody sits by me unless all the other seats are taken. But he sat by me when pretty much ALL the other seats were open for him to sit. Thinking it was weird I sat up and turned my head to look out the window. As I looked out the window it was dark enough that I could see the reflection of him looking at me through the window. It made me feel REALLY uncomfortable. I started playing with my ipod with my left hand... showing off my wedding band. This still wasn't a big enough hint to him. About 45 mins left of being on the bus, he tapped my shoulder and asked me how my day was going. I politely told him it was tiring (with a smile) and put my ipod headphones back in. He tapped me again.. "Where you from? What brought you to Hawaii? Where do you work? What is your name?" He went on and on..and I even told him I was married and my HUSBAND was why I came here. This dude never gave up. He continued to tell me that my husband was a lucky guy, because I was sure beautiful. And too bad I was married because he was a real good time. And then asked me if I had any sisters. He made me feel really uncomfortable. He even had the courage to ask me for my number. what?!! seriously I was like you've got to be kidding me. He soon got off the bus and I immediately put my back pack on the next seat so nobody could sit by me!

 Then to make matters worse.. this grandma in front of me turned around and asked me if I had just met that boy I was talking to. I told her yes, and she went off on me! She told me to not give out so much information because it's a scary world, and that the Lord would tell me when I was suppose to allow people to know my life story. I kept looking at her like, what are you talking about?! What did I tell him? She gave me a good lecture, then invited me to her church because I was a lost soul. My bus stop finally came, I had to cut the grandma off mid sentence, and I ran off the bus just to find my sweet Colten sitting at the bus stop studying his book. He surprised me because he usually wasn't there. I had never felt such relief! 

That's been happening to me a lot lately. I keep telling Colten I don't know what to do to make it so people won't talk to me on the bus. I know I sound rude, but the men here are too much for me for sure!
It makes me happy to see him after work because I'm not sure what I would do if a guy came off the bus with me. I couldn't just run away. 

This is Surfin Tacos

It's our Costa Vida in Hawaii.
Not the same.. but close enough!

It's now 7:00 p.m. and Colten is not home yet. Makes for a lonely Friday day/night.
But he promised me that his homework would be all done so we could spend ALL day tomorrow at the beach.
I cannot wait!!

oh. my mom comes on Monday!! best feeling.


  1. Oh my gosh.. you are one lucky girl. I would love to be living there... or even just visiting. And what the heck? Psycho people on the bus! Seriously... Haha. Keep some mace and a hatchet by your side ;)

    Glad you're having such a good time out there!

  2. alright, find me some hot boy out there so i can come enjoy paradise with you!!!

  3. So if I'm reading this're cold? Does this mean I need to ship your UGGS to Hawaii :) :) Love you Mama Lamb
