Tuesday, March 6, 2012

0 rain

Last night I went to bed and it was pouring rain! This morning I woke up, and yes, it was pouring rain again! And this past weekend.. you guessed it... It has been pouring rain! It was so bad, that when I woke up to go out to the bus, I soon found out that the road was flooded and my bus was delayed.

It was a crazy mess, but I luckily found some people on the street and asked them what they thought I should do. They just told me to wait until the road cleared and get back on the bus. So I did, and it all worked out.

A few weeks ago I got the courage to drive to town by myself. This a HUGE deal for those who know me. I do not like to drive, yet alone drive in places that are big and confusing, like the city. I was pretty proud of myself. I woke up this morning after my whole bus incident and thought for a moment that maybe I should just get my car and drive, but I was too chicken in the rain. I'm such a baby. I kinda freak out when I see something like this when I'm driving.

But, I am taking baby steps to becoming more independent out here with Colten being gone. I'm just lucky to live in such a big apartment complex with absolutely no privacy! yes, i'm lucky. that way when I scream from someone breaking into my house or something, all my neighbors will hear me. (I watch too much Law & Order)

And just knowing that, I can sleep at night.

When Colten is gone, I like to steal all his stuff that he would normally 
never allow me to wear. Especially to sleep in.
I've have this nasty habit of stealing all his comfy shirts and claiming them mine.
I usually claim them because of the toothpaste stains I accidentally imprint on them.
(Hence the reason why he won't let me wear them to bed)
oops, looks like my habit has got to me again!

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