Sunday, January 1, 2012

Well 2011 has come and gone. I don't think I have ever had such a memorable year like this past one. I had a lot of new changes. I can honestly say I have grown more in this past year, than any other year before. Colten and I were reminiscing last night in bed, as we heard all the fireworks going off for the New Year, on all the things we have done this year.
Just to name a few....

I received my endowments in the Temple. It has been such a blessing in my life.
We got married! Huge Step for both of us
Colten got his associates degree from Utah Valley University.
We went to Mexico over the summer and experienced our first out of the country trip together.
We moved to Hawaii. Hardest thing I have ever had to do thus far in my life. Moving away from my family has taught me so many things about myself.
We had our first holidays as a married couple. My first away from family. Colten had his mission being away for the holidays. But it was still so different for both of us...

Those are the big things that we did over 2011. We have so much to look forward to for 2012 and what it has to bring us. Colten will be graduating this year. We have whole other year here in Hawaii. We plan to travel more, and continue to make a good life for our little family.

I just can't believe this year has gone by so fast. And with all the changes we have gone through, I wouldn't take anything back. Everything was just the way it was suppose to be! I can't believe how blessed we are. It just has shown me that we can do anything we put our minds to.

Enough of the New Year....what is really important about Dec. 31, 2011 is that my man has another birthday and gets older and wiser!! How lucky is Colten that everyone across the world celebrates for his birthday?! People party for him.
This year, I decided to take advantage of being in Hawaii for his birthday, so I planned a little getaway trip to town for the weekend. We went on a boat ride on friday night to see some whales and have a firework show. It wasn't quite what we were expecting but it was a peaceful, beautiful ride.

We stayed overnight at a hotel in Waikiki.
In the morning I surprised Colten and took him to Hanauma Bay.
Just to find out it was too full, and we couldn't get in!
Instead, we found Halona Blow Hole, with a little private beach and went there.
It was a blast! The waves were so fun, and there were so many cool fish to snorkel with.

handsome fellow

We apparently wanted "peace"
Guess we have been around Asians for too long..
(swear I'm not a tourist)

After our beach day, and shopping spree..we went home to Laie and got some Garlic Shrimp.
I am not a fan..but Colten seems to be.

Happy 24th Birthday Babe. 
I love that I have got to spend another birthday year with you!! Here is to many more, ya!

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