Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mele Kalikimaka!

We can't believe it's actually Christmas Eve. We just keep sitting here in our apartment thinking it's just too soon for christmas, and it just doesn't feel like Christmas at all. We got spoiled here. Even from a far we have great families that seem to find a way to make us feel loved. Under our two foot tree are gifts scattered everywhere!

It has been warm today. Other than today, it rains almost nonstop. Everyone tells me that it has never rained this much in a winter. Of course, since I'm here it will just rain all the time. It's been a little chilly too. But I kinda like it, just because its December and it's suppose to be cold. But after Christmas it can leave and be super sunny! Next week is Coltens birthday. I have some surprises in store for him. It's hard for me to keep surprises from him. I keep trying to not give anything away. I'm excited. There are alot of fun things to do on this island. So the good news is... he has never done anything here before. So anything I plan will be fun.

Now that Colten is out of school for a few weeks, we have been spending my days off trying to do something fun. Today, I finally had a freak out moment with myself and started to clean. I haven't for a couple weeks, and my apartment was driving me crazy. I just felt so dirty.. so I've been cleaning all day long. Now it feels and smells good!

Turtle Bay had a tournament the other day. We went and followed Kelly Slater. 
He is the best surfer in the world... no big deal.

There were some other golfers who were on tour there too.

Mele Kalikimaka. Santa is in Hawaii!


We went on a Hike yesterday to Laie Falls. it was such a sketchy hike. We kept going by signs saying "No will be shot." It kinda freaked me we turned around.

I'm a little homesick. I know it's because it's the holidays, and I always pictured Colten and I sleeping in my old bedroom at home with my family on Christmas Eve. Then waking up to a nice big bowl of pasole, as we opened gifts. And the first Christmas we have together (as a married couple) we are in Hawaii.

I never pictured my life being the way it is right now..but that's what life is all about! We are making our own little traditions together...starting off right. First tradition so far...opening each other gifts we gave each other on Christmas Eve

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