Monday, September 5, 2011

0 we have arrived!

We are finally here in Hawaii! 

Right now I am feeling relief. we did it! We made it past all the hard goodbyes. made past our hard break ups with our jobs. we made it past the airplane ride. we sold both of our cars! and we are officially starting out fresh here!

literally.. it's raining here right now. It's simply beautiful. I can smell the breeze coming through our windows and I love it.

To start off our weekend of coming here, on Thursday we both said good byes to our jobs. That was tough. I of course cried as soon as I got there, and also as I was leaving. Colten didn't of course, but he will miss working there. Friday, mom had a bbq for us to say our last goodbyes to our friends and family. That was surprisingly easier than I thought. It was fun to just sit and catch up with everyone, and give them a final hug for a couple years. Saying goodbye to my family that night wasn't the funniest though. But it was a short quick "love you, bye...see you soon!" Saturday, was our day of craziness. Let's just say Colten is "Mr. We will do it tomorrow" If you know Colten, you've probably heard him say this multiple times. So all of our tomorrow stuff, had to be done that day. We ended up staying up until 3:30 in the morning trying to pack and weigh our bags. And they didn't even weigh them! goll, I was not happy when I saw that we could of stuffed them even more, and they wouldn't of charged us. Departing from PJ & Mama Lamb was hard. But I knew that was the last hard part! Plane ride was good. Except the last hour, my head felt l like it was going to explode. I don't know why, but everytime I fly here (which is a big two times) my head and ears get so bad they last hour. I think just from going lower, and circling, my head just gets tons of pressure. I felt like I had a migraine. It wasn't fun, but as soon as we landed, I was fine!

We took 3 big bags stuffed with our whole bedroom in it, Coltens golf bag, and a carry on with backpacks. We had alot of stuff.. at least for an airport we did. And of all those bags.. they lose Coltens golf clubs! seriously?! the most important, and you loose it! Hopefully they find them soon.

Ashley and Scott Pickering picked us up from the airport. They came sunday as well, but earlier than us, so they had a few hours to figure things out. They live in the same apartment complex, so we were so grateful they could come get us and help us out! So happy they will be here with us!

Our apartment is small and simple. We were kinda surprised. It looks nothing like it did online, but we will make it work. There are ants EVERYWHERE! like baby ants. if you sit down, they are all over your legs, and hands, food, laptops, beds. we are going to have to get plastic containers for all our food.
The people who were in here last were slobs too. I can't even stand when you go into a new place and it's completely messy. I can tell it hasn't been cleaned for a good while, so we can't wait to get it sterilized and feel like its our own.

I will update with pictures soon, but for now, we are going to go enjoy our labor day on the beach, and hit up walmart:)

home sweet home.

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