Friday, November 11, 2011

8 months people!!

I can't believe that 8 months ago today, I was kneeling across the alter in the Manti Temple with my best friend. We have now know each other for 2 years and 4 months now. Who knew that July 17, 2009 would change my life forever.

It has always seemed interesting to me in the past, when I was dating around, how in just one moment you could meet someone and have an instant connection with them. If the connection was good,  you would start to talk often, and get together again, and then from that day forward it would be hard for you to imagine your life without them in it. 

Relationships came and went for me. I never really got butterflies with any guy I would meet. I either knew them from high school or my childhood, and they were just a person I've know for a while, or I would meet a guy and it just wouldn't really spark with me. I would definitely try for the spark to be there, but nothing really seem to fit for me. A handful of guys would come that I would be really interesting in, but their timing, or their attitude towards life just didn't work with mine.

I soon realized that what really made me fall for a guy, was the way they would make me laugh.
I really needed to have someone make me laugh until I would have a stomach ache. Laugh until my tears strolled down my face. Laugh so good, that I could have a smile on my face no matter what life would throw at me.

And on July 17th... I got just what I wanted, butterflies and all!

Colten has always had this way of making me laugh. I can honestly say he is a big dork deep down inside, and that's what makes me love him! He is shy at times, and some people don't get so see this side I get to see. But once he lets his shield down, he is the most funniest person I know. This quality he has doesn't really make any sense to him. But to me, I am so grateful for it!
 (this is why I hate when he is stressed out, I can't seem to get him to laugh, or me.)

He is also the most sweetest guy I have ever meet. He would never do anything to hurt anyone he knows. Ever. He is always looking for ways to make things better for people. And would never say anything that would hurt their feelings.

He has the biggest heart. He is one of those guys who just loves to watch cartoons just for the little animals who are the sidekicks, because he loves how nice and funny they are. He will always give a homeless guy money. always. And I just look at him and say "what are you doing?! way to support his drug addiction!" and he just says  "They need the money more than I do, no matter what they spend it on." 

He never thinks of the bad. This is why I need him in my life. I am such a worry wart person. I am always thinking of the "what if's" in life. He is the one who sits me down and explains the positives of every negative that could happen.

He is also the most patient person I know....almost too patient for my liking;) 
another reason why I need him in my life.

He is a lover, not a fighter. Anything with contention just doesn't work for him. This is why I think he is a golfer ;) can't handle the roughness of the other sports! Calm and Collective.

He is my better half. 
He speaks the spanish.. I just look the part.(I can at least understand spanish.)
He loves mexican food.. I can't do too spicy.
I love to dance, and he..well we are working on it!
Together, we are true mexicans!
I am short, he is tall.
I'm dark, and he is light.
opposites work great together.

He is my little fashionista! 
You can't find many men that know style that aren't gay right?
He doesn't always buy new clothes all the time, or dress well everyday, but he knows all the current styles and is always teaching me what certain things are. A fedora, argyle...etc. I just point and say I like something, and he will correct me and tell me what the name of it is. 
WHO would of guessed, huh?

He is so pure. 
He is as innocent as a child. 
When I first meet him, I was impressed with the feeling I would get when I was around him. He just seemed so innocent. He was so respectful, he never said anything foul. He has taught me to be a better person. I remember coming home to my mom after a date with Colten, and just crying to her. I told her I just didn't feel worthy of him, he just seemed too good for me. 
(I was even going to start slowing things down, and let him find someone better than me for him.) 
She just looked at me and said, "That's when you know he is a keeper."

I am sure glad she gave me such good advice. I have thought back to her words a lot in our relationship. 
This moment I had with my mom always brings me back to the reality of why I choose to keep our relationship going, and not feel intimidated with his huge spirit I know he has!

Don't get me wrong... he can also act like a child in many other ways as well.
 little tantrums, not focusing on something, procrastination, not eating his veggies and fruits, and almost never cleaning up after himself, not wanting to do something and is stubborn, and I always have to have some kind of snack in my purse for him, because when he gets out for the attitude!

At the end of the day though, I can now say it's been EIGHT MONTHS!! eight months of the first hard year of marriage down!! There are things we don't agree with each other one, and things that I'm sure we will never understand about one another, but I can never deny what a great guy I feel in love with on July 17, 2009. 

1 comment:

  1. that made me tear up!! So happy you found your prince charming!!! 8 months down, forever to go!! xoxo
