Sunday, October 30, 2011

0 Waimea Bay

Every saturday we have time to have a day together. We have really tried to make our day eventful and fun. We luckily have found some really good friends that tag along with us! This past weekend we went to Waimea Bay to see what kind of beach it had to offer us. It is my favorite so far. The sand was perfect. It was like when you walked, the sand would just massage your foot every time you stepped. We also jumped off this rock that was pretty high. I felt like I was in the air forever coming down. so much fun 

We also went snorkling there, again. And this time, we had a little friend come by. We were all playing in the water, when this sea turtle came up right next to Jon. It kinda scared me at first because I didn't know what it was. But soon Jon said it was a turtle, so I quickly went and grabbed my camera. Colten and I followed it for a good 10 mins, and he was so good to just swim right next to us. 

Colten jumping off the rock

Hilary and Jon

Hilary and I also went to a tournament the boys played in this past week. It was at Turtle Bay so it wasn't far from us. It was hard to watch both Jon and Colten because they were in different groups, but we mostly just talked about life, and kinda lost track of what our boys were doing (woopsies) 
It's such a "serious" game. It was hard to stay quiet when we were talking, and half the time we were in the bushes trying not to get hit by golf balls!
The guy in the black was playing horrible. 
I felt bad for him.
He finally just walked off and quit.

notice the windy trees 
And him hitting in the opposite direction of the wind.
It's a new game out here!

I couldn't get too close to take some good pictures.
The coaches from the other teams were with us following, so I felt like I would be in there way if I went any closer. lame.
Colten getting for his first tournament.

This is me getting ready to be the ward chorister!
It's my new calling. and yes. I feel SUPER awkward leading the music.
I probably always look this retarded when I'm leading. 
Colten just loves it. (he better get a calling too, soon!!)

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